Monday, October 12, 2015

Behind a Beloved Mind: Why I Chose This Lens

I mainly chose this lens is because of my expeditions course in psychology last year which really sparked my interest in human behavior, thought, and motivation. I find the Freudian theories and ideas of the id, ego, and superego to be very intriguing, and while these theories are generally not accepted as valid or scientific theories of psychology, they pose some interesting claims about humanity. While the other lenses interest me as well, this lens is the most fascinating to me because it looks deeper into people’s actions and thoughts to understand subconscious motivations or desires. In my psychology class, we did a project in which we analyzed a fictional character from a movie or book and explained how the id, ego, and superego played a role in their thoughts and actions. 
Another lens I considered was the postmodern lens. This lens interested me because it looks at the text in a more philosophical manner and examines multiple truths expressed by the text. While this lens seems very intriguing to me, I felt that I did not have a sufficient understanding of it to be entirely comfortable with using in my analysis of the book. I am hoping to obtain a stronger ability to deeply and effectively analyze a challenging text from doing this project.

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