Monday, October 12, 2015

Why i chose this lens

I chose psychoanalytical lens, because I think it interesting to focus on characters conflicts with themselves, on oppose to focus on conflicts between characters. It is interesting to look at how characters make choices, consciousness and subconsciousness. In previous projects in psychology-classes I have used the freudian model to make characterizations in short stories and movies, but also how culture and norms affect the superego of real humans. I am interested in psychology is because I think it is interesting how culture and environment influences humans, how they think but also how they act.  

I also considered the historical and biographical lense, because I think it is two bigs factors in the shaping of a book, what the author's life experiences are, and what was going on in the time the story was written. I think it is interesting how research and background of the author and the time period, can make a big difference in understanding a book, and revealing the meaning behind it, and why that meaning is what chosen.

After this project i'm hoping to be better at reading a book through a certain lens, and be better at analysing complex books. Besides that i hope to better at psychoanalysing characters, and understand characters choice and thought better.

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