Monday, October 12, 2015

Why I Chose This Lens

 Throughout the story Beloved I decided to look at how Toni Morrison would portray the life of Sethe through the usage of the psychoanalytical lens. What was particularly interesting to me about this lens was that it would give me an opportunity to look at how Sethe would be emotionally affected by the death of her baby. Last, year having read the Great Gatsby I was really able to look and understand how Gatsby was emotionally altered by his broken relationship with Daisy and was able to look at the psychology behind Fitzgerald's book. However, I didn’t really recognize the fact that I was doing this while using the psychoanalytical lens. This time around, I really want to get to understand why a charter might be emotionally effected by a certain event or be able to explain it in more precise detail. While, I did have the second option to look at the historical and biographical lens - I found that there might be a bigger influence in the character's personality and personal traits based on past experience rather than actual time and historical events. Personally, I also believe that this certain topic, especially the notion of slavery is greatly covered by the psychoanalytical lens. It would allow me to explore how slavery affects someone's personality, or reasoning behind certain actions.
From this project, I hope to get a better understanding of how to not only look at text through a psychoanalytic lens but look and understand the actions of others and the real world and how they are influenced by emotional and the characteristical aspects of someone's personality.

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